Who We Are:
CHT teams are a network of community members, individuals, parents, and organizations working together to build a common language and understanding about how positive and adverse childhood experiences affect individual and collective well-being.
What We Do:
The CHT teams connect and bring community organizations to one another for shared learning, resources, experiences and knowledge by identifying, training and elevating emerging community leaders, including youth, to coordinate and lead collaborative efforts.
How We Do This:
By engaging community wisdom as well as the latest scientific knowledge about trauma and healing, we invite communities to trust in themselves and each other to self-organize, self-direct and develop healing strategies.
What We Provide:
We are currently immersed in Asbury Park, Camden, and Newark New Jersey where we offer the following:
- Workshops on Understanding N.E.A.R. Science & Building Self-Healing Communities. NEAR Science includes understanding the impact of trauma and healing in Neurobiology, Epigenetics, ACEs, and Resilience.
- Workshops in the Positive Deviance Approach, which looks for uncommon practices within a community that once shared, lead to better outcomes in mental, emotional and physical health.
- Community Conversations, Learning Sessions, and Cafes that bring community members together for shared learning and to create their own programming to address issues important to them.