Looking for LGBTQ-affirming healthcare in New Jersey?

You're in the right place.

Garden State Equality’s Affirming Healthcare Map is a directory of healthcare providers that have proactively identified themselves as LGBTQ-friendly. Some have also been trained by Garden State Equality staff on best practices in LGBTQ+ care.

Filter the directory by specialty or simply search by location to see the providers nearest to you!

New: We now have “In-Person/Virtual” and “Insurance Accepted” filters! Please note that not all providers listed on the map have this information listed at present. Our team is working hard to update all entries.

  Medical group or hospital

  Individual practitioner

What makes an affirming healthcare provider?

Affirming healthcare providers are competent in LGBTQ+ health needs and affirming of LGBTQ+ identities, have demonstrated allyship to LGBTQ+ communities, are knowledgeable about respectful language and terminology related to LGBTQ+ communities, and are inclusive at all stages of care, including intakes.

It is important that everyone within a healthcare practice, from administrative staff to medical providers, is knowledgeable and practices inclusive care so no one is concerned about being discriminated against at any stage of care.

Help Us Improve the Map!

Healthcare is a personal matter and the information on this website is provided for general guidance and information. Please note that Garden State Equality is not a healthcare provider or servicer and we make no representations or warranties about the type, quality, or availability of any healthcare services or provider listed on the Affirming Healthcare Map. The provider and specialty listings is based on general, publicly available information and may not be exhaustive. Garden State Equality has not evaluated the abilities or quality of any provider or their services and, accordingly, is not responsible for the actions, inactions, advice, and/or healthcare care services provided by any of the facilities or providers listed on the Affirming Healthcare Map. Ask questions and be informed as you make your healthcare choices.

The Affirming Healthcare Map was created with the support of
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